The University Abdelmalek Essaâdi is proud to inform the Scientific Community that Professor Khalid R. Temsamani from the Faculty of Sciences of Tétouan has been verry active during the 2021 academic year in several aspect related to Informing and supporting government officials such as its active participation at the COP26 in Glasgow as Party delegate (see accreditation attached), and his role in Informing and supporting local, national and regional stakeholders in global and local climate change outreach. The following are some of Professor Temsamani’s media releases:
- Policy paper Entitled « Water and Climate Change from a Policy Perspective » Envirocities eMagazine. Issue 30. November 2021.
- Intervew given to Arab News French Version entitled « Khalid Temsamani: «Glasgow est peut-être la dernière chance pour l’humanité de se rattraper ». ARAB NEWS.COM. 4 November 2021.
-Glasgow: Une COP26 au goût inachevé. Analyse de Khalid Temsamani ». Interview concédé à Medi1 News. Novembre 2021.
-Professeur Khalid Temsamani, « Ce que nous espérions voir dans la déclaration finale de la COP26 ». 15 novembre2021
Annexe : 2021 Climate Change Outreach Videos of Professor Temsamani